Essay On A Visit To A Hospital

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Essay On A Visit To A Hospital
Essay On A Visit To A Hospital

Set 1: Essay On A Visit To A Hospital

I visited a big hospital in the last week where one of my friends had been admitted. He was injured in an accident. I went with my mother to see him. He was admitted to the City Hospital.

It was a big hospital. We enquired at the reception and found out that my friend was in the Casualty Ward. We reached there. My friend was looking pale but he was improving. He was feeling much better then. I talked to him about our school, friends, and studies. His mother told us that it would take one more week for him to be completely alright. I promised him that I would help in complete his studies once he returns home. We then wished him a speedy recovery and left.

I asked my mother to take a round of the hospital. The hospital was full of patients, doctors, nurses, and ward boys. Some patients were seriously ill. They were crying with pain. Some patients were lying on the bed. The doctors were busy treating the patients. The nurses were carrying trays full of medicines, syringes, and saline bottles. The ward boys were either cleaning the rooms or carrying the patients on stretchers.

There were separate wards for different diseases. On one side there were Laboratories and an X-ray Theatre. The private rooms were located on the 3rd floor. There were two operation theatres. I wanted to visit the operation theatre. But we were not allowed to do so. There was a small canteen on the ground floor. It was meant for the hospital staff and the relatives of the patients. The hospital was very clean and tidy. The smell of medicines and solutions used for disinfecting the hospital had spread all around the hospital.

My mother could not tolerate this smell for a long time and we returned home. I came away hoping that I would never have to be admitted to a hospital.

Set 2: Essay On A Visit To A Hospital

I saw a horrible time last week. I alone had to admit my grandmother to a nearby hospital as she collapsed in her room. I phoned and requested for an ambulance to the authorities of Shri Bala General Hospital to take my grandma to the hospital instantly. Until then I also phoned my parents who were at work. Within couple of hours, they came rushing to the hospital.

My grandma had a severe pain in the heart. It seems she suffered a heart attack. Within minutes, the ambulance arrived and took her to the hospital. Without wasting any time, she was shifted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). I came to know that patients who were facing great danger to their life were admitted in ICU or ICCU. She was under constant observation of the doctors. Her heartbeats, pressure and many other things were continuously monitored on different machines. She was given certain medicines that immediately let her to sleep.

She was under constant observation in the ICU for five days. On the fifth day, her heartbeats became normal. The main reason for the heart attack was her high blood pressure that she suffered since long. She was advised to bring her blood pressure under control. The doctors warned us that she should be avoided from getting another heart attack, which might prove fatal.

On the third day, I decided to visit the entire hospital. I saw many wards where patients suffering various illnesses and diseases were lying in bed. Most of them were asleep or half-asleep. Foul smell came out of the toilet that was at the corner of the corridor. The surroundings of the nearby wards were unclean and filthy. Moreover, people came in and went out of the hospital without any time restriction.

There were many departments like the dental department, paediatric department, x-ray department, orthopaedic department, etc. All these departments were under the control of many specialist doctors and technicians. I also saw a ward filled with patients suffering from diabetes. There was an emergency ward where people involved in accident cases were admitted for immediate treatment. Nurses in each ward frequently checked the patients and monitored their progress. Doctors visited from ward to ward during their regular rounds.

There was a casualty department where patients who had small health complaints consulted the doctors. The doctors prescribed medicines and they got them from the hospital chemist. In the Outdoor Patient Department, there was a long queue of people, mostly lower-middle class and poor. Such departments of the hospitals are really of great help to people who cannot afford medical expenses. There was also a laboratory for checking the blood samples of the patients.

However, I found that though hospital gave a great service to the public, it failed in giving importance to the aspect of cleanliness in the wards and their surroundings areas,

Essay On A Visit To A Hospital

Set 3: Essay On A Visit To A Hospital

Hospital is a dreadful name. It is because ailing and wounded live there. They have to go for treatment. But not all get cured. Some person die in the hospital. They die during the course of operation, delivery and so on. There are others who get cured. Still, I hesitate to go to the hospital. I cannot see the bed-ridden, infirm and suffering persons

As ill-luck would have it, I had to visit a hospital. One of my friends met with an accident. He was hospitalised and operated upon. I was very anxious to see him and enquire about his condition. I went to see him last Sunday. I reached the hospital at 4 p.m. The time fixed for the visitors was between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. I wanted to avail myself of as much time as possible.

It was a very big hospital. There were many lawns. The building was very clean. The visitors were in a hurry to see their relatives and friends in the hospital. I hurried to the General Ward where There my friend was. There were rows and rows of beds. It was a very big hall. Some patients were lying calm and quiet. Some were crying in pain. Others were sitting on their beds. My friend was lying in a bed with his leg in plaster. I wished for his early recovery. In the meantime, some other relatives also poured in. He became busy with them.

A few doctors and some nurses were visiting the bed. They were all dressed in white. Some of the nurses looked like fairies. It is a part of their duty to keep smiling while attending to the patients.

I stayed for full two hours with my friend. At last, the bell rang. All the visitors began to move out. I too had to leave. On the way back, I came across the Emergency Ward. I saw a man on a stretcher. He looked as though there was little life left in him.

I came out of the hospital with a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow. I was happy that my friend was getting cured. I was sorry for the suffering people, who would not go back to their families.


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