Essay On A Wedding

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On A Wedding

Weddings are grand affairs. I recently attended the wedding of a friend. It was performed in a park. The park was converted into a fairy-land. A huge ‘Shamiana’ (tent) was erected on one end with a path, all illuminated and decorated with flowers, leading to it from a magnificent gate erected for the purpose.

The ‘pandal’ (tent) looked splendid with its thick white and red carpets, white canopy, white and designed curtains and colourful flower decorations. The fragrance of the flowers was everywhere. On one side sat the musicians with shenai and its accompaniments. The shehnai was being played very softly. Men in their Sunday best and women and children in all colours of the rainbow, added to the dream-like atmosphere.

The bridegroom’s party arrived with much fanfare, with fireworks, musical band and dance by the members of the party. They were accorded a warm welcome. The bridegroom was escorted to the throne-like seat on the raised platform.

The dolled-up bride, accompanied by her sister and friends arrived, walking at a slow pace. After some interesting ceremonies, the “Jaymala’-exchange of garlands—took place to the accompaniment of several flashes from cameras, merry laughter and jokes.
It was a great occasion for socializing. I met many of my friends and relatives with whom I exchanged pleasantries and information about the families. We all enjoyed the grand banquet that had been laid out. I offered my good wishes and gift to the newly married couple and left with pleasant memories of the celebration.

Essay On A Wedding
Essay On A Wedding


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