Essay On A Visit To An Exhibition

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Essay On A Visit To An Exhibition
Essay On A Visit To An Exhibition

Set 1: Essay On A Visit To An Exhibition

I live in a small town adjoining Pune. This summer vacation my mother and I had been to my Uncle’s house in Pune. As vacations were on, there were a number of programs held in the city. One day my auntie and my mother decided to go to an exhibition. I had never seen an exhibition so far. So I was very eager to see one.

Accordingly, my auntie, my mother, two of my cousins, and I went to the exhibition in the afternoon. We took an autorickshaw to reach there. There was a huge pavilion erected in the center of a very big ground. There was a long queue just outside the main gate. Hundreds of vehicles were parked outside the pavilion. We bought the tickets and went inside.

The exhibition was very big. There were several stalls that displayed a number of things. The first section housed a variety of electronic goods. It included home appliances, computers, printers, television sets, mixers, vacuum cleaners, fridges, ovens, and similar items. My mother wanted to buy a new mixer. We could see and compare all types of mixers and their prices. We finalized a mixer by Philips Company.

We then entered the garments section. It was full of ready-made dresses, dress materials, bed sheets, carpets, etc. There were stalls from various parts of the country. All the dresses were so beautiful that we could not decide what to buy. Then my auntie bought two-bed sheets and some small daily items. My mother bought a nice hand-woven saree with a very fine design. There was a jewelry section just near to garment section. I bought some bangles from there.

The next section was the toys section. My brothers were very eager to go to this section. They were overjoyed to see various kinds of toys available there. We bought two toy trains, guns and some brainpower games for them.

We were all very tired by now. We were roaming around the exhibition for almost two to three hours. So we went to the refreshment section. We had some snacks and ice cream. We came to know that there is also a railway exhibition organized in the last section. So we proceeded for that. This stall was organized by the Central Railway. All information related to the railway, the history of the Indian Railway, and engines of different periods were exhibited there. I saw the steam engine here for the first time. I found this section very entertaining and informative.

It was almost 9 o’clock when we came out of the exhibition. We took an autorickshaw again and returned home. I gave a detailed description of this exhibition to my friends after returning to my town.

Set 2: Essay On A Visit to an Exhibition

Our school arranged to take us to an Industrial Exhibition. Fifty of us and our teacher went to the exhibition
A large crowd was there outside the gates. We stood in a queue to get our entrance tickets. Then we entered the vast grounds.

There were many stalls representing different industrial concerns. Some stalls contained heavy machines like tractors. Other stalls had light machines used in the house. There were sewing machines, electric mixers, washing machines, computers and many others. We admired all the machines. We felt proud of the progress made by India in the Industrial field.

We discovered that many of our machines are so good that they are exported to foreign countries. There were also other stalls containing handicrafts, metalwork, earthenware and various other things. We visited the refreshment stall and had cold-drinks and sandwiches. Then we returned home.

Essay On A Visit to an Exhibition
Essay On A Visit to an Exhibition

Essay On A Visit To An Exhibition


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