Essay On Gratitude

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Essay On Gratitude
Essay On Gratitude

Essay On Gratitude

Gratitude is a combination of two words grant and attitude. Gratitude means helping a person without expecting any benefits in return. Helping a friend, enemy, animal, people- rich or poor, without any prejudice is gratitude. Gratitude is the best gift God has given us. This characteristic separates us from the rest of the animals.

Every minute thing in nature teaches us a sense of gratitude, Rivers give us life. Trees bear the hot sun and give us shadow. The sun gives heat and light to everybody regardless of whether he is rich or poor. We get flowers, fruits, and vegetables from trees, milk from cows, and the same amount of oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere. We all are showered by the same moonlight. Thus nature teaches us how to help others without any prejudice.

There are a number of examples of great people who donated everything to others. Sage Dadhichi, King Karna, Guru Nanak- the Sikh guru, Jesus Christ are just to name a few. There are many different ways of expressing gratitude by which a person can get self-satisfaction.

Such modes include giving water to thirsty people, carrying sick/wounded people to hospitals, providing a place to sit for elderly people while traveling, helping blind people to cross the road, imparting education, providing food to the hungry people, providing clothing and shelter to poor people, giving aid to charitable hospitals, planting trees, building schools, etc. All these are nothing but different forms of gratitude.

But unfortunately, in this modern age, we are becoming more and more selfish and greedy. We run away when a friend is in need. We don’t care for a wounded person lying on the road. This is not good. We can lead a peaceful life only if it is used for others. This gives us real happiness and satisfaction. We should get rid of meanness and should help each other in as many ways as we can.

Essay On Gratitude


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