Essay On An Indian Wedding

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  • Reading time:11 mins read

Set 1: Essay On An Indian Wedding

An Indian wedding is a very colourful ceremony. It is a display of money. There is a great noise and din. Distant relatives and friends assemble on this occasion.

Preparations are made well in advance. Many purchases are made and money is spent on a large scale by those who can afford and even who cannot afford, borrow money to spend on this occasion. In big cities and in the wedding ceremonies of rich people, just a colourful decoration for the wedding costs thousands of rupees, going upto lakhs of rupees in some cases.

Invitation cards are sent to relatives and friends days in advance. They start gathering a day or two before the wedding. The marriage house presents the scene of a fish market with hectic activity and last-minute preparations going on. At last the wedding day arrives. The marriage procession starts. The bridegroom comes riding on a mare. He is accompanied by his friends and relatives. The procession is led by a band. At the bride’s house, there is great excitement. All are ready to receive the marriage party. When the procession reaches the bride’s house, the guests are warmly welcomed. They are served with sumptuous dishes.

The guests leave after dinner but the bridegroom and his near relatives stay back. At night the marriage is performed with holy rituals. Next morning, the ‘doli’ leaves. The parting scene is really touching.

Essay On An Indian Wedding

Set 2: Essay On An Indian Wedding

An Indian wedding is mainly a religious affair. It is a colourful and impressive ceremony.

Before the wedding takes place, the bridegroom and his party go in a procession to the sound of music to the bride’s place. Sometimes the bridegroom is seen riding a white horse.

On reaching the marriage place, they are welcomed by the bride’s people. The place is gaily decorated with flowers and lights. The bride and the groom also have their heads covered with flowers. They sit before the Brahmin priest. The priest chants mantras in Sanskrit. The ceremony takes about two hours. Then the bride and bridegroom go round the sacred fire seven times and the religious marriage: part of the ceremony ends.

The reception is held in the evening. The couple will be enthroned on high chairs against a background of flowers and lights. The bride looks dazzling in all her finery. She wears a pure silk sari mostly Banarsi adorned with gold lacework and is decked out in all her ornaments or jewellery.

The hall looks colourful because all the ladies who attend the wedding are also gaily dressed in their best saris and jewels. In fact, an Indian wedding is an occasion for the ladies to show off their fine clothing and jewels. All the friends and relatives go up to the bridal couple. They congratulate them and offer them gifts. Music is played by a band while all this goes on. Lavish dinner and deserts are served. The people then leave the place to return to their homes.

Set 3: Essay On An Indian Wedding

It is said,” Marriages are decided in heaven though arranged on earth.” According to Indian traditions, the two should unite into one; only physically they remain two.

Last month the marriage of my elder brother was celebrated. The auspicious day had been fixed after prolonged consultations with the priest. Although, we, the youngsters, want to move with times and consider all days auspicious, yet the elders are still steeped in superstition. We have to obey them. However, in one thing my brother and I were triumphant. It was that we succeeded in convincing out elders that dowry was an evil and it should not be accepted.

In every other respect, the marriage was celebrated according to tradition. All our relatives and friends were invited to accompany the marriage procession. It was a cavalcade of a bus and a number of cars and hired taxies. We wanted to include only a few members in the Bart, but the bride’s parents considered it a point of prestige to have the marriage celebrated with great pomp and show.

A large team of bandsmen preceded the marriage party to the girl’s house which was tastefully decorated with flower-garlands, outings and lights. At a short distance from the girl’s house, my brother was made to sit on a mare with huge Sera hanging from his head. Hoe girl’s relatives were already there to receive us. We were given a red carpet reception. Then there was “Milne” i.e. embracing of relative counter-parts from both sides. At the “Milne” all our close relatives were given gifts and money by the girl’s parents. Then there was “Shaman” ceremony, during which we were also served cold drinks and then sweets with tea and coffee. Again, we were given gifts, packs of sweets and baskets of fruits. Our request not to be given any dowry only as dowry was accepted with a trick!

After that we were treated to sumptuous dinner. Then there was the main marriage ceremony – “the pears” – which was performed by the priest. The boy and the girl both had to take several vows. It was almost dawn when the ceremony was over and the marriage party returned with the bride and the gifts. We had our own photographers to prepare a movie of the whole marriage function from beginning to end.

Thus an Indian marriage is a noisy and expensive affair. number of cars and hired taxies. We wanted to include only a few members in the Bart, but the bride’s parents considered it a point of prestige to have the marriage celebrated with great pomp and show.

Set 4: Essay On An Indian Wedding

Wedding is a marriage ceremony followed by the meal or party. In India, wedding is an important and auspicious occasion in a family. Wedding in a family brings happiness, excitement, jubilation and enjoyment to elders and children.

Days and months before the actual wedding day, a new spirit of enthusiasm spreads in the family. Several arrangements are made for the coming occasion. New clothes are bought or stitched and houses are cleaned and painted. Near and distant relatives and friends are invited to participate and grace the grand occasion. All come together, bless the bride and bridegroom and enjoy their fullest.

As the wedding date comes near and near, the entire house begins to be busier in activities from the early hours of the morning. Either bride or the bridegroom visits to the other’s house in order to perform certain religious rites. A few close relatives accompany the family. Sometimes a small group of women from the bride’s house visits to the bridegroom’s house. After a few hours, same kind of visit is carried out by the bridegroom’s house.

As per the shubh mahurat, the bridegroom goes in a procession to the bride’s place. He seats on a horse or goes in a decorated car. Loud songs are played. Bands and drums are beaten. People dance. Hearts are filled with joy and everyone is happy. Women are beautifully dressed with expensive clothes and jewellery. They even sing wedding songs.

There is a big warm welcome when the procession reaches the bride’s place. Certain important ceremonies are performed by the mother of the bride. The bridegroom is led to the wedding seat with respect and pride.

Within a short period, the wedding ceremony begins. Until than soft drinks along with starters are served to the guests. The bride sits beside or opposite to the bridegroom and the priest chants sacred mantras. After a certain point of time, bride and bridegroom go round the holy fire. However, marriage ceremony depends and varies from religion to religion. Once the ceremony ends, both become legal husband and wife.

In the evening, a grand reception is held in a big hall or an open ground. However, this largely depends on the financial status of the families. Several people are invited to bless the couple and offer them their love in the form of gifts. Once again, different types of cuisine are served. People enjoy delicious food and drink. With the end of the reception, the day that was filled with excitement and joy comes to an end.


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