Essay On Would You Prefer Wisdom or Wealth

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On Would You Prefer Wisdom or Wealth

There are all kinds of people in this world. Some are wise and some wealthy. Nature does not distribute her gifts equally to all human beings. So some have to be satisfied with the gift of wisdom and others with the gift of wealth.
Wisdom is a priceless gift of the gods. Very few people possess it. It might come with age and experience.

Wealth means riches or money. Any fool can have money. Money without wisdom is useless. Great wealth in the hands of a fool can soon be squandered away by him. As the saying goes “A fool and his money are soon parted.” Even money needs to be spent wisely.

The wise man is respected wherever he goes. He is consulted by kings and leaders. His advice is considered valuable. He is looked up to by all.

The wealthy man does not command the same respect as the wise man. Many people might pretend to be his friends. They might flatter him because they hope to get favours out of him. But he will have no true friends. People will be his friends for selfish reasons.

Wisdom is a permanent possession. It cannot be taken away from us. Wealth can be lost in many ways. It can also be stolen or robbed. Then the wealthy man will become poor. But the wise man can never be deprived of his wisdom. So wisdom is preferable to wealth.

Essay On Would You Prefer Wisdom or Wealth


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