Essay On The Profession I would like to Follow

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On The Profession I would like to Follow

My companions are planning to be doctors, engineers, or chartered accountants when they grow up. Some of them even want to join the Army, navy or Air Force and lead an adventurous life. But my plans are quite different from theirs. I would like to be a social worker.

When I pass my S. S. C examination, I shall take a degree in social service. There is much scope for social service in India. Our country men are poor, helpless and ignorant. I shall consider it a matter of pride and pleasure to help them.

I have great plans for helping the poor. I shall organize a literacy drive. I shall see that everyone learns to read and write. I shall try to move the government to provide them with clean decent houses. I shall teach them to live in a hygienic way. I shall try to improve the health of the poor by encouraging them to go for periodic checkups at Government medical centres.

Thus most diseases can be checked at an initial stage. I shall try to encourage poor children to go in for higher education and arrange to give them all the help I can. I know that all these things cannot be achieved within a short time. It takes many years to do anything worthwhile. Yet I shall never give up trying to make my less fortunate countrymen lead to a cleaner, healthier and happier life.

I am aware that mine will not be a paying profession. But money is not everything I shall be happy to render service to my people. No one can deny that there is more pleasure in giving than in receiving. So I shall devote myself to serving my countrymen and be happy in the thought that I am helping others.

Essay On The Profession I would like to Follow


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