Essay On Calendar

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Essay On Calendar
Essay On Calendar

Essay On Calendar

Calendars are an inevitable part of every house. There may not be a single house or office without a calendar. It’s the need of today. At the end of every year, different companies distribute their own calendars. The history of the calendar is very interesting.

In ancient times there were no means of counting time or days. The man knew only day and night but was unaware of counting them. With the invention of mathematics, the man was able to calculate time. He was then able to decide the period of a week, month, and year. It was decided that every month would have thirty days and every year would have twelve months or 365 days.

It was universally accepted that every day would have twenty-four hours with approximately twelve hours of the day and twelve hours of the night. Slowly, days and months were named. Western countries started counting from the birth of Jesus Christ. In India, different kings established their own calendars. They introduced the concept of Shaka which meant the period of hundred years. History is written on the basis of either A.D. or shakas.

Every single day of our life is important and eventful. Each day brings new dreams, new hopes. Memories of every day are recorded in our brain according to the day and date. This date reminds us of those memories. The birth dates, death anniversaries of great people are recorded in the calendar. Holidays, important days of world history, etc. are also marked in the calendar. The almanac is an important part of Indian calendars which indicates auspicious days, different festivals, and celebrations. The red-colored dates indicate holidays. With the help of a calendar, we can plan activities for the whole year.

In India, calendars are published in different languages. Different calendars are prepared according to different religions. Their sizes also differ, from pocket-sized calendars to table calendars to huge wall-hung calendars. Many people have the habit of recording daily events in their diaries. These records reflect the history and culture of society. Calendars do have special importance in my life. It reminds me to finish the pending tasks and I start working at a faster pace.

Essay On Calendar


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