Essay On How Reading And Writing Have Shaped My Life

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Essay On How Reading And Writing Have Shaped My Life

From my early years, reading was an essential part of my life. My mother not only taught me the alphabet at an early age, but also made sure that I was provided with books. She purchased several books for me and she read them to me regularly. At every night, I would take storybooks to her and she would read them to me. As a result, I learned to read at the age of five.

My mother says that I spoke my first words when I was two and my first sentence when I was four. After I learned to speak, I became a talkative child. In fact, one of the things others would complain about me was, “You talk too much!”

At some point during my early childhood, I discovered the joys of creative writing. I can still remember the first story I wrote, though I can no I longer recite it. It was a short tale of seven brothers and a princess. From that time on, I wrote story after story. Whenever I did not know the spelling of a word, I would ask my mother to help me out. As a result, my spelling and grammar skills quickly progressed. Thus, from the beginning, my family encouraged my creative writing.

During my growing-up years, I found that I was a poor athlete and my social skills were even poorer. My chances of competing and winning on the playground were nil. I was never good at mathematics and science. However, in my language skills, I could compete with the best of them. Reading, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and spelling were areas of my strength.

My love of reading and writing enriched my life in so many ways. Through books, I learned so much about the world and about life. Writing has given me a wonderful imaginative opening as well as developing my language abilities. This has played a vital part in helping me to overcome my other weaknesses.

I have also put my love of reading to use, financially. The local primary school has hired me to read the books it collects for a reading program. I want to spend the rest of my years doing the same. I have received much-needed opportunities to use my strengths and interests to gain job experience and to make some money. My goal, at present, is to use my experience to find steady employment in my new city. One of my dreams is to become a well known children’s book author. I have taken some steps for it. I have written a children’s mystery novel.

Essay On How Reading And Writing Have Shaped My Life


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