Essay On Creator Of Nazism – Adolf Hitler

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Essay On Creator Of Nazism – Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician. He was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945.

In 1889, Adolf was born in Austria. He was a self-educated man. From early years, he learnt the art of lying, twisting, cheating and flattering others. In World War II, he joined the German army and won an iron cross for his bravery. While he was in Berlin, he made a revolutionary attempt for which he was imprisoned for nine months. In prison, he wrote a book called ‘Mein Kampf

In February 1925, Hitler built his political party called Nazi Party. The strength of the party slowly rose from seventeen thousand in 1926 to sixty thousand in 1928. His first six years in power resulted in rapid economic recovery from the Great Depression, the condemnation of restrictions imposed on Germany after World War I and the annexation of territories that were home to millions of Germans. This helped him in winning major support of people.

After Hitler was appointed as the Chancellor, he soon crushed all his oppositions. He began a powerful campaign of suppressing Jews and communists. He soon declared all the political parties as unlawful.

He centralized all powers of Local and Central Government. He controlled every aspect of national life including the press, educational institutions, cinema and stage. Everything in the country was Nazified by him.

To expand Germany, Hitler followed the policy of naked aggression. Firstly, he tried to annex Austria. However, he was prevented by the aggressive attitude of France and Italy. In March 1938, Hitler succeeded in annexing Austria without firing a single shot. Soon he captured Czechoslovakia under the pretext of unifying the German-speaking people who lived in Sudetenland. Soon Hitler launched an armed attack on Poland. Britain and France favoured Poland. Thus, they jointly declared war on Germany. With this Second World War began in 1939. Germany was forced to surrender and Adolf Hitler committed suicide. Thus, his dictatorship came to an end.

Although Hitler caused so much violence and wars, he led a simple life. He was vegetarian. He was very kind to animals and children. His aggressive foreign policy is considered as the primary cause of the outbreak of World War II in Europe. However, it was only due to him that millions of innocent people in Europe lost their homes and life during Second World War. We can say that no one else has affected world history as much as he did.

Essay On Creator Of Nazism - Adolf Hitler


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