Essay On Solar Energy

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Essay On Solar Energy
Essay On Solar Energy

Essay On Solar Energy

Solar energy is a non-conventional form of energy. It means that this form of energy is renewable, ecologically safe, and available in plenty. It cannot be exhausted. Ascertain things are easily available to people, they have the habit of not appreciating and caring for those things. We neglect the sun as the most important source of energy that is available on the Earth.

Sun provides us light and warmth. We can use solar energy available from the sun in our day-to-day tasks. Our daily works like drying our clothes, heating the water, drying grains, vegetables, etc. can be done with the help of solar energy. With the help of modern technology, it has become possible to use solar energy for lighting bulbs, turning the fans on, etc.

Solar energy has become very important for a country like India. India is one of the fortunate countries in the world that receives ample sunshine for a long period every day. Sunshine cannot be used up like other resources of energy like wood, water, and coal. It does not get used up.

As soon as the sun rises in the sky, we get sunshine. Rich, poor, old, young, men, women all are liable to use it free, as it does not belong to any single individual or a company.

The most important advantage of using solar energy is that it does not cause harm to the environment. It does not cause any pollution. Although there are vast advantages of using solar energy, many people do not use it. There is a number of people who are unaware of the use of solar energy. Some do not know how to store it. People do not know how to continue the use of this energy after the sunset.

However, a few years ago, an expensive technology was developed by scientists to convert solar energy into electricity. Thus, it became possible to convert solar energy into electricity and store it. The government encourages people to use solar energy. We can save electric energy by using solar water heaters, solar lights, solar cookers, etc.

The word ‘sunshine’ is usually used to refer to happiness or joy in life. We can say that in today’s energy shortage, sunshine may be the ray of hope.

Essay On Solar Energy


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