Write a letter to your mother explaining the reason for your poor performance in your third quarterly exams.

Write a letter to your mother explaining the reason for your poor performance in your third quarterly exams

St. Mary’s High School,
Std IX C, Mount Abu,
Rajasthan – 307 500.
Date: 21/09/20

My dearest Mum,

I am sure you are quite disappointed with my poor performance in my last exams. To tell you the truth, I really did not study for it as I usually do. I wanted to shine out on the sports field and on the stage as well. You will see for yourself what I mean when you witness the Annual Sports and Annual concert next month.

This is my last year for such activities and besides I promise I will make up for lost ground in the Final Exams at the end of November. So please don’t worry.

With lots of love to Sonu, Dad and you specially lend here.

Your loving son,


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