To a younger brother advising him to pay a little more attention to his studies.

To a younger brother advising him to pay a little more attention to his studies.

Kitab Mahal,
10th January,2022

My Dear Narendra

I was very happy to learn from Mother that you have won a medal for athletics. It is very good to take part in games and sports. But this should not be at the cost of your studies.

You must realise that studies and sports are equally important. In fact, we shall be happy if you do well in your studies. Please try to divide your time between studies and sports. You have already made your mark in sports. Now you should to pay a little more attention to your lessons.

You know that all at home will be disappointed if you fail and lose a year. To avoid failure you must start studying right now. I hope you will seriously take this advice that I have given to you. With love to all at home.

Your loving brother,

X. Y. Z.

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