Write a letter of condolence to a friend who has lost his mother

Write a letter of condolence to a friend who has lost his mother

Shanti Kutir,
Behind Toad Rock,
Mount Abu,
Rajasthan 307 500.
Date : 23/12/20

My dear Seema,

I was extremely sorry to know that your mother passed away last week.

As I used to visit your house frequently, I know her well. ‘ always admired her as a highly cultured, kind, sympathetic person and an ever smiling beautiful personality. In her death you and the members of your family have lost a source of selfless love and a pillar of spiritual strength.

Mysterious indeed are the ways of the Almighty, and we have to bow to them. I sympathise with you and your sister Sheila in your bereavement. May your mother’s soul rest in peace.

Yours lovingly,


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