You are a dealer in readymade clothes and have received stock. Write to an old customer from whom no order has been received for a long time.

You are a dealer in readymade clothes and have received stock. Write to an old customer from whom no order has been received for a long time.

Fitrite Garments,
Patel Road, Baroda.
20th September,2022

Sai Garments,
Vallabh Road,
Nadiad, Gujarat.

Dear Sir,

We are sorry to note that you have not vi to note that you have not visited our store for a long time. You used to visit our shop regularly for a number of years. You gave us large orders and we consider you as one of our esteemed customers. We wonder what has kept you away for so long ! we do hope you are not dissatisfied with our goods or the service given by us, we have received a large stock of new clothes. I am sure you will be interested in seeing them. they are very reasonably priced.

Please drop in at our store at you earliest convenience. we shall be very happy to serve you.

Yours faithfully,
X. Y. Z.

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