Essay On A Visit to a Hill Station

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Set 1: Essay On A Visit to a Hill Station

Last summer our school closed in the mid-May for the holidays. My parents had decided to visit Mussoorie. So they made all the arrangements two months ahead.

From Howrah station we went to Dehradun by train, and then by bus to Mussoorie. Immediately we made our way to the hotel and relaxed, as the journey was very tiring.

After lunch, we went for a long walk along the Mall and the Camel Back Road. We enjoyed the ack Road. We enjoyed the scenery all around. The skating rink is a place of fashion and colour and is worth seeing. A view of the kempty fall and the snowcapped mountains, makes us praise God for His wonderful creation. The bright multi-coloured flowers, the tall pine trees, the high mountains made me forget the heat and busy life in the plains.

The next day after breakfast, we went to see the town. We visited the Kulri and Landour markets. They were crowded with tourists from different parts of the country. Like other visitors we also h bought various things, especially those made by the local people-shawls, cardigans and soft warm mufflers.

Mussoorie is a beautiful place to visit during the summer, as the climate is cool and there is so much to see and do. Our stay at Mussoorie was short, but the memory of my visit will remain for a long, long time.

Set 2: Essay On A Visit to a Hill Station

Nature is at her best at the hill stations. One can enjoy the beauty of rivers, pools, mountains, valleys, trees and plants. The air there is so cool and fresh. Hill stations provide a short welcome change from dull and daily routine of town and city life.

Those people are lucky who can afford some days at a hill station in the lap of nature. India has many beautiful and famous hill stations. Thousands of people from India and abroad visit these. hill stations every year. Last year, when my school closed for summer vacation, I left for Nainital with my father, mother and sister. We packed our woollens, umbrella, raincoats, etc., and boarded the train for Kathgodam. There we took a U.P. Roadways bus and reached Nainital.

We had made advance reservation for our stay at the Hotel. This hotel gave a fine view of the lake and mountains. At night it rained and it becomes very cold. But in the morning the sky was all clear. After breakfast we visited the Naini Peak and the China Peak. We spend a greater part of the day in the hotel. We enjoyed boating in the lake. We did some shopping in the market. We visited all other places in the town. Bhimtal and Bhowali are the two picnic spots. We enjoyed picnic and bathing in the sun on the bank of the lake. Sometimes, we sat in the balcony. It was a very exciting experience. We felt as if we were in a fairy land. The weather at Nainital changes rather

We had taken many photographs of the beautiful scenes. After two days we came back to Delhi.

Set 3: Essay On A Visit to a Hill Station

It has always been very hot summers in Mumbai every year. This summer my father decided to take us to Panchgani for a vacation. We were excited and eager to see the place.

We set out for Panchgani by car. At first we reached Pune. From Pune it took us about two hours to reach Panchgani. As we entered Panchgani, we were greeted by the beautiful sight of silver oak trees. These trees are tall, slender and graceful. They give beauty to the scenery.

We stayed at the Government Tourist Bungalow. It was a comfortable place. The climate was cool and pleasant. It was a welcome change from the burning heat of Mumbai. We spent our time by going for walks in the morning and evening. Our bungalow was situated on the side of a hill. It overlooked a deep green valley. It was fun to watch the sunrise and the sunset.

Panchgani has many schools and hotels because it is mainly a tourist resort. There are local residents and the staff of schools and hotels. The places worth visiting are Sidney Point and Table Land. Table Land is a vast stretch of flat land situated on the top of a hill. All the schools play their matches there. When climbing up to Table Land there is a hollow space known as the Devil’s Kitchen.

Panchgani has frequent showers in May. Then the place gets full of a variety of wild flowers and ferns. The mist comes down from the hills and covers everything with a white smoky curtain. Nature has provided Panchgani with beautiful scenery. Our long walks and the cool climate made us very hungry.

We ate our food with a hearty appetite. Mahabaleshwar, another hill-station, is only eleven miles away from Panchgani. We used to go to Mahabaleshwar every Sunday and enjoy boating on the lake. We enjoyed eating the Makai-butta, fresh carrots and corn-patties near the lake. We also did horse riding. We were sorry when our holiday was over. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to this hill station. We came back happy and refreshed in body and mind.

Essay On A Visit to a Hill Station
Essay On A Visit to a Hill Station


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