Essay On An Hour at a Jeweller’s Shop

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On An Hour at a Jeweller’s Shop

My sister’s marriage had been fixed. My mother wanted to have her jewellery ready well in time for the wedding. I accompanied my mother and sister to the jeweller’s shop.

We went to the shop of Zaveri Brothers. We knew they were reliable dealers. We entered the shop one evening. The place was spacious. It was welllighted with a number of fluorescent lamps. The light fell on the jewellery. Our eyes were dazzled by the bright display of jewellery. There were necklaces, rings, bangles and ear rings in many different designs. Truly it was a feast for the eyes.

My mother and sister remained busy selecting designs for the occasion. I had a fine opportunity to go round the shop and admire the jewellery. I saw precious stones of all colours. There were diamonds, rubies, emeralds, amethysts, topazes and several other precious stones. They were set in necklaces, rings, bracelets, payals and ear-rings. I was astonished at the delicacy and skill of the craftsmanship. A good jeweller is really an artist. He creates objects of beauty to adorn people.

As I went round the shop, other people came in. One bought a costly diamond ring and another a beautiful necklace.

Meanwhile my mother and sister had selected the designs they wanted. They had ordered one diamond set and several other gold ornaments. My sister was very happy. She liked the idea of having so many gold ornaments. We had finished our work. We then took a bus and returned home.

Essay On An Hour at a Jeweller's Shop


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