Essay On A Visit to a Village Fair

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  • Reading time:10 mins read

Set 1: Essay On A Visit to a Village Fair

Every year a big fair is held in our village. It is held when we celebrate the festival at our Mahalakshmi temple. A lot of people attend the fair. The fair lasts for three days. All the people from the neighbouring villages come to our fair.

The grounds adjoining the temple are all taken up for the fair. Vendors pitch their tents and set up their shops to sell things at the fair.

Whole families come to the fair dressed in their gayest clothes. The people feel happy to meet their. friends. The children are the happiest of all. The fair. has many attractions for them. A great deal of noise, shouting and laughter is heard at the fair.

The fair has many stalls for children which they can’t resist. There are stalls selling sweets and toys. There are many amusements like the merry-go round and the giant wheel etc. Children enjoy rides on these. They trouble their parents to buy them balloons and toys I was most fascinated with a stall where two ladies were painting tattoos and very artistic mehndi I got tattoos done on both my arms and my sister applied mehndi in both her hands. They like to have sherbat and ice-cream. After spending some hours at the fair people return home very happy and very tired too.

Essay On A Visit to a Village Fair
Essay On A Visit to a Village Fair

Set 2: Essay On A Visit to a Village Fair

Village fairs are very common in India. In almost all parts of the country fairs are held and thousands of people visit these fairs. They are held generally on the occasion of some religious festivals. The site of the fair is generally a sacred place. Many small fairs are held on various occasions.

Village fairs are very common in India. In almost all parts of the country fairs are held and thousands of people visit these fairs. They are held generally on the occasion of some religious festivals. The site of the fair is generally a sacred place. Many small fairs are held on various occasions.

When there were no good roads connecting villages with towns and cities, these fairs were very useful. Now-adays, the importance of village fairs has been very much reduced. Now the fair is more a diversion than a necessity. Now-a-days, fairs provide a change from the monotony of everyday life. People go there for sight-seeing and for enjoying the company of men.

It often serves as a meeting place for people living far away from one another. People very often come across their friends and relatives living far away whom they had no chance of seeing otherwise. The fair is a great boon to the traders. The traders very easily dispose of defective articles in a fair. In the fair, besides shops, there are some side attractions. Theaters, magic shows, swings, drama parties, etc. provide a good deal of fun to the visitors.

The fairs in India has got one special utility. It is a good place for advertisement and propaganda. Since people from different places assemble at the fair, the news of any new product or invention spreads far and wide very easily.

The village fair is really a good thing because it provides diversion and amusement and promotes trade and industry.

Set 3: Essay On A Visit to a Village Fair

On the ‘Shivratri’ day every year, a fair is held in our village. This fair lasts for three days. Preparations for this fair begin many days in advance. The whole place is swept clean. The unwanted growth and weeds are removed from the ground where the fair is held. A temporary market is set up. Stalls of different sizes are allotted to traders who display their wares for sale. There are sweet stalls, vegetable stalls, fruit stalls and many other stalls to lure the people. On the appointed day, villagers from far and near areas flock to this fair. Drums are beaten and rustic songs are sung for three days. Also, there are folk songs and folk dances. Huge crowds gather to buy different items of their use. Children are found surrounding the stalls displaying toys and other items of their interest.

At some places, rope dancers show their feats and at others, there are acrobats. Merry-go-rounds are overcrowded not only with children but also with men and women. The snake-charmers and jugglers also have a busy time. The snake-charmer plays on his flute pipe and the snakes start swaying on hearing the sound of the flute.

In this village fair, wrestling, tug-of-war and kabaddi matches are also arranged by the village panchayat. Popular wrestlers come from the adjoining villages to participate in wrestling. The winner is awarded a prize of two thousand rupees. The most interesting feat of the fair is the oxen race.
The fair breaks up every evening and people hurry back to their homes carrying some or the other item. Children go back happily after enjoying such a fair. They carry the toys of their choice. Many people come to the fair to buy and sell cattle and go back happily after the purchase or sale. This fair brings together the people of many villages and is very helpful in uniting the villagers.

Set 4: Essay On A Visit to a Village Fair

Last week, I happened to visit Kotla which is a small village near Bareilly. uncle who lives there had invited me. It was my good luck that I reached the village TOYOTION! when a famous the next day.

My uncle took me to the fair. It was being held 1991 gorica was bel just at the outskirts of the village. It covered an area of a few acres of land.

We heard noises of vendors and visitors quite a few metres before we reached the fair. As we reached closer and closer to the fair the noises were heard louder and louder.

We saw at the fair a great many makeshift shops and kiosks. There were all kinds of shops such as toy shops, cosmetics shops, jewellery shops, cassettes shops, general merchants shops and so many others. The greatest rush was seen at the sweet shops and small-time eateries.

Everywhere the village men and women with their children, all clad in gorgeous clothes were moving to and fro, some of them eating sweets or buns.

Others were taking snacks with tea. Cold drinks were in great demand. Young girls were buying colourful glass bangles. Children were pressing their parents to buy them toys.

In one corner, a snake-charmer was playing his flute while a black cobra was dancing in front of him. A large number of people gathered around him, were watching the cobra dance. In another corner a juggler was showing his tricks. There were some other spots which attracted people’s attraction. At one place there were going on lucky games. At another place wrestling bouts were being held. At yet another place, an astrologer was telling the people about their fate.


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