Essay On The Autobiography of a Motor Car

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On The Autobiography of a Motor Car

Don’t you think it’s a pleasure to gaze upon me? I am a lovely blue Cadillac with a long and streamlined body. I still run very smoothly and do not give any bumps when I am driven along a road.

I was born in an automobile factory in the U. A. and shipped across the ocean to this country. That was in the good old days when India was a land of Rajas and Maharajas. I had hardly set foot upon Indian soil when His Highness the Maharaja of Mysore fell in love with me. He paid three hundred thousand rupees for the joy of possessing me. His Highness was driven to Mysore in me, He was very pleased with my performance on the road. I gave him smooth service.

At Mysore I found myself one among a fleet of cars. I could easily tell I was his favourite. He preferred me to all his other cars. I led a luxurious life. I was well cared for by the servants of His Highness.

After I had faithfully served His Highness for a long time, he sold me off to a wealthy merchant. My present master too is good to me, He treats me well and I have nothing to complain of but I sometimes recall my past glory and how proud | felt when kings and princes drove in me past a waving and cheering crowd of people.

Essay On The Autobiography of a Motor Car


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