Essay On Unwanted Guests
Our culture demands that guests must be served. No guest is unwanted. Every guest must be accorded a warm welcome. A guest honour us and he must be honoured. Guests are our own kin.
Goswami Tulsidas, a well known poet, writes-“We must be cordial to everyone, who knows that the lord Himself may knock at our door in the guise of a humble man”. Every faith tells us to be hospitable.
These teachings, however, only adorn the pages of history of the sacred books. In this age, when dishonesty and fraud are the order of the day, we must be very particular in entertaining a guest. Most of them are unwanted. Hospitality is a rare virtue but it becomes the greatest vice if it is not exercised properly. We must be able to distinguish properly between real guests and unwanted guests.
It is very interesting to known that in India we have guests at odd hours. The householders have to face difficulty. The most annoying thing is that at the time of departure, they would demand some money, on the plea that they had spent more or they had lost their money.
Some of the guests are actually cheats. They would give you references of your nearest kith and kin and friends, you have to trust them. When they go, you find some of your things missing.
In this age, we must be very careful in entertaining the guests. Most of them are unwanted.
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