You are the assistant head-master of a school. The boys of the S. S. C class wish to visit a textile mill. Write a letter to the Manager of the mill asking permission for It.

You are the assistant head-master of a school. The boys of the S. S. C class wish to visit a textile mill. Write a letter to the Manager of the mill asking permission for It

Gyan Kendra High School,
4 Bunglows,
2nd January,2022

The Manager,
The Tata Textile Mills,
Lower Parel.

From an educational point of view a party of thirty dents of S. S. C. Class, under my charge, would like to pay a visit to your mills, and learn about the manufacture of cloth, on the 5th of this month from 1 to 3 p. m, Will you kindly issue the necessary permit. Looking forward to a favourable reply.

Thanking you,
Yours very truly,

X. Y. Z.
Asstt. Head Master

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