Your city recently suffered from a flood. You read an appeal to help the sufferers. Write a letter to the Secretary of the Flood Relief Committee offering your services as a volunteer.

Your city recently suffered from a flood. You read an appeal to help the sufferers. Write a letter to the Secretary of the Flood Relief Committee offering your services as a volunteer.

Shanti Kunj,
6th August,2023

The Secretary,
Flood Relief Committee,

I read in a local newspaper your appeal to young men and women to enlist as volunteers to do relief work in the flood stricken areas of our district. I most willingly offer my services for this work. I am a healthy boy of 16. I have had a lot of previous experience of such work. So I am sure that I shall be a real use to my suffering fellowmen. Expecting your call immediately,

Yours faithfully

X. Y. Z.

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