Essay On An Hour in a Cloth Shop

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On An Hour in a Cloth Shop

It was Diwali time. The festival was fast approaching. We all wanted new clothes. So we went to a cloth shop.

The shop was big and well-lighted. It was cool because it was air-conditioned. There was a crowd of customers in the shop. There were a large number of shelves full of all kinds of materials. There were nylons, terylenes, cottons, silks, terycottons, voiles and many other kinds of fabrics.

There was a rush of customers. The few salesmen could not attend to all the customers at the same time. So we had to sit and wait our turn to be served.

We watched the other customers while we sat and waited. Two ladies wanted to buy cloth for their children. They troubled the shop’s salesmen to show them a lot of different kinds of materials. They took very long to make up their minds. The salesman was very patient. One lady bought some pretty pink nylon to make a frock for her little daughter. The other lady bought some terywool and terylene for her little son. A gentleman came in to buy a shirt-length for his son. He soon found what he wanted and bought it. He did not waste the time of the salesman. Some small children grew tired of waiting. They started crying. They troubled their parents to take them home.

At last our turn came. My father chose terycotton shirting for himself and terylene for me. We lost no time in making our choice. We paid our money to the cashier. We collected our packets and returned home. We had got a chance to observe people and their ways because we had to wait an hour in a cloth shop.

Essay On An Hour in a Cloth Shop


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