Essay On Foreign Countries-A Craze Among Youth

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Essay On Foreign Countries-A Craze Among Youth

Young Generation of India is madly after everything from. foreign. Either it is dress, manners, food or education foreign goods are in more demand. Indian food, music, education and even our language is considered to be inferior and degraded.

Shyness among the girls is replaced with the blunt talks. Youngsters prefer to go in the foreign restaurants where some bewitching singer wearing a skin tight, strapless flashy gown or some other mod dress sings some English or Western songs. People are even changing the traditions and rituals and shift them with the Western fashions. It is not fair and we should know that the craze for foreign goods may discourage our industrialists and so can be a hinderance in the national developments.

Essay On Foreign Countries-A Craze Among Youth


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