Essay On My Favourite National Leader

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On My Favourite National Leader

Lal Bahadur Shastri will always be my favourite national leader. Though he is no longer in this world, his noble spirit will continue to be a shining example to all his countrymen.

He was a small man with a large heart. He was physically short in stature, but morally he was a giant. He came from a very poor family. He suffered many hardships to acquire an education. Yet, he rose to be the greatest man in the land, namely, the Prime Minister of India.

He was a simple man, simple in his dress and habits. He was honest and upright and above corruption. Though he held the highest position in the country, he had no bank balance. He believed in selfless service to his country. His motto was Service before self’. Though frail, in appearance he was no weakling. He put up a bold stand for freedom when our country was attacked by Pakistan. He successfully guided the country to victory. He negotiated for peace at Tashkent just as successfully. Like Abraham Lincoln he was snatched away by death in his hour of glory. Our country suffered an irreparable loss by his death. The joy of victory was marred by the sorrow of his death.

His noble life proves that we live in deeds, not in years. He was in power only for a short time. Yet, he is remembered with love and gratitude by millions of his countrymen. Truly, he was a great man.

Essay On My Favourite National Leader


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