Essay On Noise Pollution

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Set 1: Essay On Noise Pollution

Any sound that hurts the ears is termed as noise. Noise generally suffers to loud sound. Noise is, however, a relative term. Loud and heavy music loved by the youth is considered, and rightly so as noise by the elders. Noise pollution, however, is that which affects the entire cross-section of humanity, evenly, consciously or otherwise.

Any sound that interferes with hearing or has other harmful effects human health and well being is termed as noise pollution. Many sounds associated with human activities contribute to noise pollution. For example, our community festivities. Religious processions like those on Ganpati immersions days when hundred of groups converge towards a few common points. Each has mikes blaring music in an effort to outdo, in noise output, the group in front of it and behind it. The bursting of huge numbers of crackers, bombs etc., at weddings and feasts are very damaging to the ears of one and all alike.

Then on a regular basis, the usual sources of deafening noise comes from heavy machinery, motor vehicles, air crafts, appliances, loud music, lawn and garden equipments, power tools and even some toys can produces sounds that can harm the human ear very much.

The most obvious and measurable effects of noise pollution is damage to hearing. Exposure to high intensity sounds for short periods of time can produce temporary hearing loss. Longer exposure can result in permanent hearing loss. Besides, loud noise may also affect other body systems causing irritability, headaches, fatigue, stress and sleep disruption.

Essay On Noise Pollution

Set 2: Essay On Sources Effects And Control Of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a severe danger to the human environment. It is mounting at an increasing rate and has become a major threat to the quality of human lives. Levels of noise in many areas, especially in urban, have been growing at a rapid rate. However, poor and lack of inattentive urban planning has given rise to the problem of noise pollution.

source The main of noise pollution is transportation systems particularly motor vehicle making loud engine sounds. The other sources include noise made by aircrafts and railway engines. Besides noise generated through transportation, other causes of noise pollution are home appliances, noisy equipment, machines in industries and factory, power tools, public processions during festivals, lighting and audio entertainment systems. Machines and equipment related to construction also produces tremendous noise pollution.

Due to the growth and progress of heavy industrialization, constant exposure of high level of noise gives rise to stress levels in modern life. It may also lead to many health hazards. The effect of noise on health depends on loudness, duration, quality and frequency of exposure to the loud noise. Any source producing sound of more than 90 decibel for more than eight hours a day is harmful for human ears,Noise pollution produces different effects on humans. Constant and loud noise leads to emotional disturbances. Irritating noise at work place reduces concentration level, efficiency and working capability. Deafness, annoyance, high blood pressure and hypertension are some of the other important effects of noise pollution.

Noise pollution can be controlled by reducing noise at source. Change in design and operation of machines, using vibration control techniques and using sound absorbing materials are some of the measures to reduce noise pollution. It can also be reduced by prescribing certain noise limits for vehicular traffic, industries and factories.

The other methods to control noise pollution include constructing buildings as far as possible from noise source and planting many trees. Trees plantation helps in absorbing some sound. Moreover, Government has already passed the Noise Pollution Control Act’ to meet the special Indian conditions. Laws should be made and enforced for controlling noise at city level. People can be educated and made aware of noise pollution through special programmes on radio and television.


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