Essay On Scenes on the Bank of a River

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On Scenes on the Bank of a River

Once I went with two of my friends for an evening stroll on a river bank. We saw many boats sailing on the river. The air was cool and fresh.

Many other people were enjoying an evening walk. Children ran about and played several games. They shouted and screamed as they played..

In the river some people were bathing. Children were swimming and splashing water on one another. Priests were chanting ‘mantras’ and praying. Many hawkers were walking up and down the river bank selling their wares. Most of the things they sold were eatables and toys.

As we stood on the river bank, we witnessed a lovely sunset. The sky became pink and gold. The sun slowly dipped into the river like a golden ball. The golden light of the setting sun was reflected in the sky which became all rosy.

A number of beggars pestered the passers for charity. Many people gave them alms. Birds sang sweetly as they returned to their nests for the night. It was wonderful to watch the gulls flying all together in a formation.

My walk on a river bank did me a lot of good. I returned home rested and refreshed.

Essay On Scenes on the Bank of a River


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