Essay On Scenes During a Strike

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On Scenes During a Strike

Strikes mean a stoppage of work after having given due notice to the management. Strikes occur because workers are dissatisfied with their pay or their conditions of service.

During a strike, workers stop work. They assemble outside their place of work. They wave flags and banners and shout slogans. They prevent other
people from being employed with their work as well. Strikes are not bad if they are peaceful. They make employers aware of the demands and rights of the workers. Sometimes, however, they take a violent turn. Some goondas or law breakers take charge of the situation.

They incite the workers to throw stones and cause damage to the employer’s property. They even break into shops and loot things or set fire to houses and property. Then many people get hurt or are even killed during a strike.

When conducted properly all the workers go in a procession shouting slogans. They meet at a public ground. Their union leader then addresses the meeting.

Unless strikes are peaceful, they generally achieve nothing and should be avoided. They cause much damage to life and property.

Essay On Scenes During a Strike


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