Essay On The Traffic hazards in my city

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Essay On The Traffic hazards in my city

Life in a city is becoming more and more dangerous because of the increasing traffic there. I have visited many cities in India. While I was in the different cities | was most scared when I was out on the roads either walking or in a rickshaw, a taxi or in a bus. Indiscipline together with growing traffic are causes of a many deaths every day in cities.

I live in Mumbai and even though the traffic seems more organized here yet, it is a big hazard to those living in the city. The big number of vehicles on the roads is the main cause of the traffic hazard in Mumbai. During the peak hours everyday when people are going to offices and when people are returning home from offices the traffic in most busy areas become unmanageable and a few traffic policemen are not able to make much of a difference.

Everyone caught in the traffic even ladies and gentlemen, that are very hard find on the streets on Mumbai forget all about discipline and think of getting out of the jam one way or another. It is when people get so desperate that accidents occur. In the city of Mumbai, those travelling by road, especially those sitting behind the steering wheel become desperate almost daily and that too twice each day. It is a miracle that not many more traffic related deaths take place on the streets of my city, Mumbai.

Essay On The Traffic hazards in my city


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