Essay On A Visit to a Neighbouring Village

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Essay On A Visit to a Neighbouring Village

Our school took us on an outing to a neighbouring village. We set out early in the morning. We went there by bus.

As we neared the village, we saw green fields and wells. Farmers were working in their fields. Bullocks, cows and sheep were grazing on the hillside. Birds were singing in the trees. It was good to be in the company of nature. We enjoyed breathing in the pure fresh air of the village.

The farmers lived in small rough huts. Their animals also lived in the same huts. The huts had very little moving space. They were not enough ventilated. We felt sorry for the poor farmers who had no good houses to live in. We thought of the comfortable houses we had in the city.

The village roads were narrow and dusty. They are the only means for the poor people who go on foot or on bullock-carts. There were hardly any metalled roads in the village.

It was peaceful and quiet in the village. We could not hear the unpleasant sounds made by buses, cars or trucks. We heard only natural sounds. The birds sang, the cattle lowed, the sheep bleated and the farmers sang at their work. There was no noise pollution or air pollution.

People in a village lead a quiet, peaceful and healthy life. But they are very poor and they have to work very hard from early morning till late at evening. City people do not like to live in a village for a long time. It has no comforts or conveniences. So they would like to get back to the city as quickly as possible.

Essay On A Visit to a Neighbouring Village
Essay On A Visit to a Neighbouring Village

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