Essay on Alexander the Great

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Essay on Alexander the Great: Alexander’s real name was Alexander III. In India, he is addressed as Alexander. Alexander III was the king of Macedonia and the conqueror of the Persian Empire, known for the most military campaigns in his life. According to Greek historians, Alexander had conquered the world, so he is also called the world conqueror. And with his name Mahan or The Great is also applied.

Essay Alexander the Great
Essay on Alexander the Great

Essay on Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great is considered one of the greatest conquerors in the history of the world. He was only 33 years old when he died in Babylon about 2000 years ago. It is believed that during his short life span he succeeded in finding nearly 70 cities. He is an important personality in world history. He was a fearless fighter.

King Philip, Alexander’s father was killed in 359 BC. After his death, Alexander ascended the throne. At the age of 20, he became the King of Macedonia. He was trained for warfare by his father. There were riots in his kingdom after his father’s death. Soon he succeeded in crushing them. Due to his great military genius, he succeeded in conquering many parts of the civilized world.

In 334 B.C., he attacked and conquered Persia. Next was Egypt. He established a beautiful city called Alexandria. Due to his bravery, he became the king of Macedonia, Persia, Greece, and Egypt. He along with his army succeeded in capturing Samarkand, Khyber Pass, and Afghanistan.

He invaded India by passing through the Hindu Kush. King Ambi of Takshashila welcomed him and accepted his reign. However, Alexanders’s army had to suffer severe opposition from the other brave Indian armies. King Porus who ruled a state between Chenab and Jhelum rivers was a freedom lover. He was ready to face Alexander. A brutal battle took place between them. Porus fought fearlessly but he lost due to rain. As Alexander was deeply moved by his courage and love for his land, he returned the state won by him.

Alexander succeeded in reaching the Ganga River but soon his soldiers refused to march farther. They wanted to return home. They were away from their homes for nearly ten years. Alexander did his best to inspire them. While returning home, Alexander died in 323 BC due to a very high fever.

The growth of India’s trade with foreign lands increased after Alexander invaded India. Communication between India and Greece was established. Indian art and sculpture were greatly influenced by Greek sculpture. Alexander’s invasion led to the founding of the Gandhara School of Art. Slowly India came across different countries of the world.

Essay on Alexander the Great
Essay on Alexander the Great


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