Essay On A Visit to Market

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On A Visit to Market

One day I accompanied my mother to our local market. She had gone to buy vegetables and groceries.

The market place was very crowded. There was hardly any space for us to move about. The place was very noisy. It was lovely to see the piles of vegetables and fruits in the market. My mother bought plenty of vegetables and also some fruits. I helped her to carry her shopping bag.

She then went to a grocer’s shop. She bought some groceries. There were many other shops besides the grocer’s shop. There were sweet-meat shops, flower sellers’ shops, shops selling utensils, crockery, cutlery and textiles. Several hawkers went about shouting their wares. They had combs, ribbons, buttons and sundry articles for sale.

In that big crowd there must have been some pickpockets. A lady’s purse was snatched away and she shouted to raise an alarm. People were running towards her, but nobody knew who was the thief. The poor lady lost her money. She could not do any shopping that day.

Cattle moved about in the market and tried to eat up the vegetables. The vendors drove them away and shouted at them. A lot of bargaining goes on in every market. The seller never tells the buyer the correct price of a thing. So the seller and the buyer go on bargaining until they arrive at a price suitable to both.

| enjoyed my visit to the market, particularly as my mother bought me some sweets. I munched my sweets happily on my way to home. I made up my mind to visit the market again when I got a chance to do so.

Essay On A Visit to Market
Essay On A Visit to Market


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