Essay On My Childhood

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On My Childhood

The days of our childhood are the best days of our lives. When we are small, our parents care for us and shower their affection on us. I remember how much love and affection my parents showed me when I was a child.

My childhood was a happy carefree period. I had many little friends of my own age. So I played with them very happily and I never felt lonely.

I liked sweets very much when I was a child. I also liked to play with all kinds of toys like trains, aeroplanes and various other toys. My parents used to buy me a lot of toys.

As a child, I lived in a world of make-believe. I would imagine I was a teacher. The chairs were my pupils. I taught them in the same way that my teacher taught me at school,

I used to be quite mischievous as a child. Once I decided to learn cycling on my own. I hired a small bicycle and attempted to ride it. I rushed down a sloping road. I lost control of the handlebar. I toppled off the bicycle and landed in a gutter. A sharp stone cut me above my eyebrow. I cried a great deal. I did not know what to do. Suddenly I thought of our family doctor and went to him.

He stitched up the cut and gave me an injection. When returning from the doctor’s place, I met my father, who on finding that I had not returned till quite late, had come out in search of me. He was shocked to see my head bandaged. I told him what had happened. He did not scold me. He hoped I had learnt a lesson from the bad experience I had. On the whole, I think it is fine to be a child. You are well cared for and your parents provide you with everything you need.

Essay On My Childhood


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