Essay On My Last Day at School

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Set 1: Essay On My Last Day at School

It was our last day at school. We decided to have a small get-together of teachers and students. We could hardly believe that our school life was over. We, the students of the S. S. C. class, assembled in the school hall. We invited our teachers and Principal to be present on the occasion.

Some of the students of our class made short speeches. We thanked our teachers and Principal for all that they had done for us. We were feeling very sad to leave school. We had spent many happy years of our lives at school. The Principal and teachers also made speeches. They advised us to be honest and industrious in life and to keep up the good name of our school. They wished us success in life.

After this, we had a little music and entertainment. Some of us sang songs or played a musical instrument. We also played some indoor games. The entertainment was followed by light refreshment. All the students took autographs of their friends, teachers and principal in their autograph books. The party then broke up and we went home.

I shall always have happy memories of my school days during which I was very happy and carefree.

Essay On My Last Day at School

Set 2: Essay On My Last Day at School

7th February was my last day at school. I was full of mingled feelings of joy and sorrow. I was happy at the idea of freedom and holidays for one whole month. I was sad at the thought of parting from my teachers and friends.

We were asked to come to school at 2 p.m. on that day. All the students of the 10th class were well-dressed. Everybody appeared in his best. First of all we were photographed. Then we had a sumptuous feast. It was given by the students of the IX class. All the teachers also were invited to the feast. We enjoyed it most heartily.

The feast was followed by songs and speeches. The boys made a solemn promise to work hard and keep up the glorious tradition of the school. They assured the teachers that they would never forget their touching love and kindness. They said that they would always love their school. They would be prepared to make every sacrifice for the school. They would never do anything unworthy of a gentleman. They would never tarnish the fair name of the school. The parting songs were very touching. Then a boy of 10th class read out an address to the Headmaster.

The Headmaster rose amidst the cheers and gave a suitable reply to the address. All listened to him with rapt attention. There was pin drop silence. He exhorted the boys to act, move and behave in such a manner that they could all proudly say “Here are our jewels, here are our gems.” He blessed us saying that success attend our footsteps wherever we go. “Go out to serve your country and fellowmen,” he said.

Then the head of the Sanskrit department of the school offered a prayer for our success in the examinations. It was followed by the actual parting. The teachers stood in a line. We bowed low to all our teachers, got their blessings and then parted with heavy hearts.


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