Essay On scouting

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Essay On scouting

Scout movement originated in Britain in 1908. Sir Baden Powell was its patron. Slowly the movement extended to every civilized country including India. It started as a trial experimental camp in 1907 but the movement spread with speed to almost every part of the world.

In 1908, a handbook “Scouting for Boys, was published, Over 100.000 scouts served in His Majesty’s forces during the First World War and 10,000 gave up their lives. These under age scouts performed pubble buttes at home like coast watching, When the war booke out again in 1939 thousands of scouts once more joined the armed forces.

During this war, too, three scouts who were under age for active service carried out work of national importance for the government departments and, civil authorities admitted that scouts had rendered particularly good service. Many of them were decorated for gallantry.

The principle underlying the boy scout movement is the development of good citizenship among the youth. Active self-expression is encouraged among the scouts and emphasis is laid upon their natural desire to learn rather than their passive reception of instruction. There is no distinction of class, creed or colour among scouts.

The movement is non-military, non-class, nonsectorian, nonpolitical and non-denominational: honour is the ideal. The scout law, which forms the basis of the movement and which every scout has to obey, was taken from the code of the Knights and as such has its roots in the code of honour and gentleman lines.

Scouts are sub-divided into three groups (1) reverse, Le.. scouts of 17 years and above; (2) Boy scouts from 11 to 17 years; and (3) wolf-clubs: juniors from 8 to 11. The training is carried out generally

There is hope that scouting will help greatly in bringing about the spirit essential for the maintence of peace, the spirit without which suggestions for disarmament, arbitration, etc. can only be futile. The movement has spread, even to girls.

Girl guides are now as common in English schools as boy scouts. This is a welcome extension of the movement although in India the girl guide movement has not yet made progress. Effort should be made to promote this movement among girls as well.

Essay On scouting


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