Essay On A Cricket Match

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Set 1: Essay On A Cricket Match

Last Sunday a cricket match was played between school team and the team of S.D. School. The match played in the playgrounds of our school. It was an interesting match. Mr. Rakesh Sharma and Rajne Katiyar were the umpires. The match started at 9 a.m.

Our captain won the toss. He decided to bat first. T’ opening batsmen of our team batted very well. They may 107 runs. Our players were out after scoring 213 runs; S.D. School did not start well. Three wickets fell 36 runs. We were happy. We were hopeful of our victor but due to the 6th wicket partnership, their score reach 208 runs. We were quite tense.

The one after the other S.D. School lost all the wickets. They could score only 210 runs. So we won’t excite match by 3 runs.

Essay On A Cricket Match
Essay On A Cricket Match

Set 2: Essay On A Cricket Match

Last winter, I happened to see a cricket match in Delhi. The match was played between the Indian team and the West Indies team. The match was played at the Ferozshah Kotla grounds.

Every game has its plus points. It fosters discipline, duty, team-spirit, cooperation and a sportsman spirit. Some of the Indian players are very well known.

Cricket is quite an interesting game. It is played between two teams of 11 members each. It is played on a flat, smooth and clean ground. Cricket requires two sets of stumps, bat and ball. The distance between the two sets of wickets is 22 yards. The bowlers take their turns after every six balls. In this game, good fielding is also necessary for victory. Before the game starts, there is the toss. It is the choice of the toss winning captain to first go for batting or fielding.

The fielding party puts three fieldsmen on the on side, six on the off side, while one is posted for guarding the wicket and one for the bowling. The game is generally played for seven hours in a day. The umpire is the final judge. He is the man who declares the players ‘out; whether they are run out, bowled out, caught out, stumped out or leg-before-wicket out.

The match that I witnessed was really very interesting. There was a huge gathering at the Ferozshah Kotla grounds. India’s leading cricketers were playing in the match. I saw the fine game of Tendulkar. He hit many boundaries, while Dravid was playing very carefully. But soon Tendulkar was out. He was replaced by Laxman, who made 50 runs in 76 minutes while Ganguly made 66 runs in 70 minutes. Soon there was break for lunch. The Indian team made 219 runs for three wickets before lunch.

The West Indies players started bowling with fire after lunch. Lawson bowled very fast and he clean bowled Sehwag. He was replaced by Yuvraj Singh, who hit three sixers. There was a tremendous cheer from the spectators. There was great excitement among the spectators as well as the players. Everyone was in high spirits. Yuvraj Singh played till the end and and went on to score a century. The umpire gave a long whistle and the game ended for the day.

The spectators dispersed. Some of the cricket fans were patting Yuvraj Singh for his brilliant performance. Soon the crowd fizzled out and we came back home. It was a thrilling match for me.

Set 3: Essay On A Cricket Match

Cricket has become the number one game all over the world and it seems that it has come to stay for a long time. A cricket match, especially a one-dayer is a great show anywhere in the world. Thousands of persons including women and children feel overjoyed to see a cricket match in the stadium or on the television sets. The international cricket matches earn millions of dollars through advertisements throughout the world. Top companies of the world sponsor a cricket match and give out lots of prizes and awards to the outstanding performers.

Today there is a cricket culture prevalent everywhere. Young boys dream to become great cricketers and devote their time and energy to playing cricket. Whenever a cricket match is held, the city wears a festive look and all roads lead to the cricket field. The work in offices comes to a standstill and people discuss nothing but cricket.

If the Indian team wins, it is welcomed by bursting of crackers. Discussion in households, bus stops, restaurants and more or less all other places is about the likely outcome of the cricket match. “The man of the match” award is given to the best batsman or bowler of the particular match.

Unfortunately, some top players have been found to be involved in “match-fixing”. They are paid huge sums of money by some people to deliberately lose the match. This has brought a bad name to the otherwise very popular game.

Set 4: Essay On A Cricket Match

Cricket is a very exciting game and it is enjoyed by the young as well as the old. It is a game that is played in many countries including India.

In my school too, cricket is a very popular game. The students, most of the teachers and even our principal enjoy cricket matches.

Last week there was a very interesting match between our school and St John’s High School. As the match the teams were from the middle school, the match live bed was limited to twenty overs and it started at 9.30 a.m. Our principal permitted all the classes to watch the match, so there was loud cheering as the game started. Our school won the toss and decided to bat first.

Our boys started off well and scored 20 runs when the first wicket fell. Karan, Ram and our captain Ahmed played well and added 68 runs to in the score. Sam, our last good batsman, made 24 runs and at the end of the twenty overs our team made 123 runs.

St John’s team came in to bat after lunch. Their opening batsmen started well, scoring slowly and steadily, taking their partnership to 36 runs. Then their first wicket fell. Thereafter, though they were making runs, they were also losing wickets at regular intervals. At the end of the 15 overs they had scored 70 runs. Their tail-enders, however, put up a good fight. But at the end of it all they were able to make only 105 runs and lost the match.

Set 5: Essay On A Cricket Match

The game of cricket has now become very popular in our country. Cricket matches are played everywhere. Indian teams go abroad and foreign teams also visit India every year. Winter is the best season for it. I take a keen interest in this game and therefore, I went to see a match at Aligarh between Aligarh and Allahabad University.

It was played on 18th December, on the University grounds where the arrangement was very decent. Both the teams, headed by their captains reached there in time. The match was inaugurated by Shri Ram Verma, M.L.A. After a brief introduction of the teams, the match began.

The toss was won by Allahabad and they opted for batting. The spectators watched the game which was supposed to be most exciting and contesting. Afzal and Zakir started bowling and within twelve overs they took three wickets. Upto lunch the batsmen of Allahabad could score only 35 runs. The match after lunch became exciting and in the presence of these fast bowlers, the whole team could not score more than 80 runs.

Then the Aligarh team had a good start. The opening batsmen made forty runs within an hour. Both Sunil and Prakash had an easy time and they took twenty more runs. But unfortunately, Sunil was bowled and the rest of the players were dismissed for only 75 runs to the great surprise of all.

Both the teams on that day could not play well, as the game of cricket entirely depends upon chance. The spectators were no at all satisfied as they could not enjoy. There was no life and colour in the game. Thus, the game was over with a lot of criticism from everyone.

Essay On A Cricket Match


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