Essay On Serving the Sick and Injured

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Essay On Serving the Sick and Injured

Under the Socially Useful Productive Work, our class has been assigned two duties. The boys are sent for Traffic Control while the girls are posted to a hospital ward, to serve the sick and the injured.

My name happened to figure in the list of students to be sent to the General Ward of Queen’s Hospital. We reached there around 8.30 a.m. The doctors were to come at 9 sharp, so we all spread ourselves, as deputed, in the ward.

Five of us were posted at the Reception and the Inquiry Counter to direct the patients to the various cabins, where a nurse or doctor was waiting for them. There, they were given a Patient Card which was to be shown to the doctor examining them. We helped the patients and the injured to form queues, and to report to the doctor, one by one. In spite of that, some patients, with the connivance of the hospital staff, managed to jump the queues or come by the back door and see the doctor on duty. The doctors also appeared to be helpless in these cases.

Another ten students were spread in the ward. Each one of them had on an average 4-5 beds. They helped the patients in the orderly arrangement of their beds, medicines, cupboards and personal belongings.

Six of us were on duty at the Dispensary. There we helped in the proper delivery of the pills, mixtures and capsules. The people were keen to crowd at the counters. But the compounder appeared to be a tough guy. He did not allow anyone to come near his counter unless he himself called the names or Patient Card numbers.

Four students were stationed at the Injection table. Two were controlling the crowd, helping in the formation of the queue, and allowing them in one by one. The others were inside the cabin at the injection table, helping the doctor, the nurse, and the patient after the injection.

Three students were at the parking lot, helping the patients and their relatives and friends in locating their vehicles after their visit to the hospital or after being discharged from there. One could notice a feeling of joy and relief writ large on their faces.

Thus, the whole of our class was put for SUPW periods in that hospital. This served as a great experience in the day-to-day world around us. Our education did not remain bookish and far-fetched. But it become useful to the society and productive, and that is what we mean by Socially Useful Productive Work.

Essay On Serving the Sick and Injured


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