Write a letter to your grandmother thanking her for the surprise gift that she gave you

Write a letter to your grandmother thanking her for the surprise gift that she gave you

D/21, Sea View,
Hill Road,
Bandra (W),
Mumbai 400 050.
Date 13/01/20

Dear Grandma,

Thank you very, very much for the wonderful bicycle you gifted me.it came when I least expected it. It is what I wanted more than anything else in the world.

Daddy is teaching me to ride it. I fell off twice this morning but I did not get hurt. I expect to be whizzing off to the park on it quite soon. All my friends have bicycles, and now I too can ride with them.

Grandma, you are great. Hope you will be coming to Mum’s birthday party next Saturday. It hope to be able to ride freely by then.

Thank you once again Grandma.

With lots of love,


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