You are the proprietor of a readymade clothes stores. You want to offer a grand reduction sale on the occasion of Diwali. Write a circular letter to your customers.

You are the proprietor of a readymade clothes stores. You want to offer a grand reduction sale on the occasion of Diwali. Write a circular letter to your customers.

C-104, Rashi Estate,
M. V. Road,
1st October,2022

Simplex Industries,
Lamington Road,
Mumbai 400 004.

Dear Customer,

We feel happy to take this opportunity to reach you. Diwali Festival is ahead and by the middle of October next, you will be happily celebrating Diwali.

For this very occasion we have planned a great scheme for you. We offer you a grand discount up to 60% on our readymade clothes. The sale starts on 5th October and will last upto 15th October only. We have a variety of readymade clothes for you and your family. As the discount narrated hope, it will suit your pocket too. Do honour us with your visit.

We solicit your co-operation.
Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
X. Y. Z.

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