Essay On An Autobiography of a Car

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On An Autobiography of a Car

I am an old Maruti car. I was assembled by many mechanics and engineers. My various parts came from various factories. I run on petrol.

I was bought by Mr. I was Sunil who is a business man with a shop on the main street. When I was new was handsome and Mr. Sunil was very When new was hand proud of me. He used to clean me everyday brushing, waxing and washing me himself.

After a year he sold me as he was going abroad. My new master was not kind. He ill-treated me. He was a rash and reckless driver. I got many bruises and scratches. Consequently my appearance was spoiled and I began to look old and ugly.

When my new master was at my steering wheel, he only thought of speed. He was never considerate to to caused me to make much noise. One day he was drunk, drove me very fast and rashly. Suddenly we met an accident on a sharp turn. My master was seriously wounded. He had multiple fractures.

I was crushed badly. My injuries were beyond repair. I was towed and parked in the rear of the bungalow. I stand here in rain and sun I am now so sad, old and rusty. I wish for my early death.

Essay On An Autobiography of a Car


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