Essay On School Memories

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Essay On School Memories

Now that I have left school, I often think of my school days. I feel that school days are the happiest period of anyone’s life. When we are in school we are carefree. We have only to study, play and be happy.

My early schooldays stand out in my memory. I went to school very reluctantly on the first day. I was very shy and not at all happy. But soon | made friends with other children. I then began to like school.

As I went up to the secondary school, I considered studies as a great burden. They were irksome to me. I hated to do a lot of home work. I preferred to spend my time playing cricket and other games. I used to think that it was very cruel to make young children remain indoors and study instead of being allowed to go outside and play.

I recall that I used to be very keen on extracurricular activities like debating, elocution and dramatics, fancy dress competition and Annual functions. I won several prizes for elocution, dramatics and debating. My teachers were very good to me. They helped me a great both in my studies and other activities.

A few good friends I made in my schooldays continue to visit me and be friendly with me even today. I hope that ours will be a life long friendship.
How greatly we enjoyed some outings and trips. We used to enjoy our picnics very much. We availed ourselves of concessions to go on trips, and tours during the holidays. We travelled in a group. We saw many important places in India and we had a grand time.

We benefited a lot from our school training. Our teachers gave us knowledge and also helped us to build up our character. We are grateful to them for the useful training they gave us. We learnt the value of knowledge and discipline in our schooldays.

Essay On School Memories


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