Essay On Dreams

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Essay On Dreams

For centuries, people have wonder about the meaning of dreams. Early civilizations thought of dreams as a medium between our earthly world and that of the Gods. However, a series of image, events and feelings that take place in our mind while we are asleep are known as dreams. In other words, dreams are chain of pictures, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur unwillingly in the human mind during certain stages of sleep.

Views about the meaning of dreams have differed and shifted through time and culture. The earliest recorded dreams were acquired from materials dating back about 5000 years, in Mesopotamia, where they were documented on clay tablets. In the Greek and Roman periods, people believed that dreams were direct messages from deities and from dead ancestors. Feature was predicted from the dreams.

Until now, the content and purpose of dreams are not decisively understood. Dreams are a matter of scientific discussion and a subject of logical and religious interest. However, the scientific study of dreams is called ‘oneirology’. The study of oneirology is conducted to study the process of dreams instead of analysing the meaning behind them.

Dreams mainly occur in the Rapid-Eye Movement stage of sleep. During this stage, events in human brain are higher than usual and give the impression of being awake. REM sleep is revealed by nonstop movements of the eyes during sleep. At times, dreams may occur during other stages of sleep. However, such dreams tend to be much less cheerful and memorable.

The length of a dream can vary. They may last for a few seconds or for twenty to thirty minutes. People are more likely to remember the dream if they woke up during the REM phase. The average person has three to five dreams per night. Some people may have up to seven dreams in one night. The dreams tend to last longer as the night progresses. During a full eight-hour night sleep, most dreams occur in the typical two hours of REM.

In modern times, dreams are believed to have connection with the unconscious mind. Dreams can range from normal and ordinary to very weird and strange. A person can visualise dreams of different types, such as exciting, frightening, unhappy, adventurous, magical or sensual. The events in dreams are usually outside the control of the dreamer. Sometimes dreams can make an imaginative thought to the person or gives a sense of motivation.

Austrian physician Sigmund Freud, wrote extensively about dream theories and their clarifications. He explained dreams as appearances of our deepest desires and worries, often relating to suppressed childhood memories and fascinations.

Essay On Dreams


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