Essay On Feelings When Sister Gets Late

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On Feelings When Sister Gets Late

‘Mummy, what is this? Deepa has not yet come home from her friend’s house. It is already so late. It is 10 o’clock Mummy! I am very upset. Shall I go and inquire from her friend’s uncle, who can be contacted on the phone?

Mother was not at all bothered even after that. She said that she has gone to attend a reception there, and might not even return that night. She and her friends are very close, and her friend’s sister is to be married that night.

At that I heaved a sigh of relief. Till then I had been worried about her. My mother is an expert in keeping secrets. Had she told me earlier about the wedding, I would have been spared many anxious moments. But it is not her nature.

I made up my mind to take my sister to task when I meet her. My mother told my father at about 11 o’clock that night. That she had permitted Deepa to stay back for the night in her friend’s house due to her sister’s wedding reception. My father also expressed his surprise at her late night disclosure.

Next morning Deepa came loaded with sweets right after the departure of the bride. I was so relieved.

Essay On Feelings When Sister Gets Late


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