Essay On If I Were a principal

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On If I Were a principal

If I am appointed as the principal of a school, I shall try my best to make it an ideal one. A principal is the whole a and sole authority in a school and a little slackness on his part not only deteriorates the teaching but also dislocates administration as well as discipline. Therefore, after putting in about five year’s service, I shall remove all those defects which I have experienced in previous years.

First of all I shall work to remove indiscipline which is daily increasing among the students. This can be tackled by forming a proctorial board, prefects of different classes and by moral teaching! I shall be very strict and will show not favour towards anybody. I will also take a personal interest in it. It will improve examination results and will raise the institution in the estimation of the public.

will improve the library which is the index of an institution. It shall remain open in the evening so that the outsiders can also take advantage Besides this I will look to the physical aspects of the student. They will be provided with different games and sports and the attendance of all will be compulsory.

A staff club will also help a great deal in establishing a personal and close contact with one another. Finally, general administration includes cleanliness, equipment of laboratories, decent play 1918 es, decent play grounds, different functions will also be looked after I shall be failing in my duty if I do not establish good relations with the members of the management, the staff and the students. This can be achieved by a patient hearing, an impartial decision, a sweet and accommodating nature. All this can be done only when one sticks to one’s job for a long time and the circumstances are favourable.

Essay On If I Were a principal


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