Essay On How I Spente Last Sunday

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On How I Spente Last Sunday

I wish everyday was Sunday. All of us students OF THOW look forward to this holiday, but it comes only once a week.

Last Sunday I got up a little later than usual, had a bath and dressed in my best clothes as I had to go with my friends to a movie. Ajay, Varun and Shyam met at my house and we left at 10 o’clock for the cinema, with my parents.

In half an hour we reached the Regal Cinema, in time for the morning show. It was the English movie, Superman. The movie was exciting and enjoyed it very much. After the show we went to the Indian Museum. As we went from hall to hall my father told us about some important things on display.

By now all of us were very hungry, so we went to Domino’s and had stuffed crunch Pizza and and coke. We then went home and while my parents rested, the four of us played carrom and monopoly. It was great fun. I don’t know how the time passed, but it was 6 o’clock and time for my friends home.

After they left, I went to my room. I was very tired and could not think of revising any lessons. I went to bed early that night.


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