Essay On Smoking and Drugs – A Menace to Life

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Essay On Smoking and Drugs – A Menace to Life

We find youngmen feel big, as if, puffing a cigarette and throwing out smoke at the company in which they are. They begin the game out of fun and curiosity how it tastes, then the game takes the shape of a showmanship and in due course of time they find that they have got addicted to smoking and cannot give it up. It sometimes, begins with just a few cigarettes a day, then it becomes a few packets a day and some turn into chain smokers – one out, the other is lighted.

Cigarettes contain nicotine, along with tobacco and it is this nicotine which makes one addicted to smoking. It has an intoxicating effect and once a man’s nerves catch this intoxication, the nerves keep on needing it and one feels lethargic and dull without a puff because the nerves are constantly asking for the kick. This is addiction, which once caught on becomes life long and cannot be given up. There have been people who have gone to sleep smoking and have got their quilt and bedding burnt and it is then they get awakened. There have been and are writers and authors whose pen would move only when they are puffing out. Without that puff their mind, as if goes to rest and would not work. Young and old — a habit is a habit with anybody and a habit once formed is hard to be given up.

Nicotine is an element which slowly and gradually passes on and gets deposited in the nerves and in the lungs. This gradual deposition causes lung diseases – bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and even cancer- of which there is no cure. Smoking thus can be life-taking. People know it, still they go on with it. Smokers even can have their arteries blocked with nicotine which can cause a heart attack. It is for all these fatal results that it has become compulsory for the cigarette manufacturing companies to print a warning on every pocket – “Smoking is dangerous for health’. Inspite of the warning forced upon to be issued by the manufacturers themselves, the consumers keep consuming the danger even at the risk of their lives. And cigarettes continue to be manufactured, stocked and sold the world over.

It is not only the smoker who sustains the harm; even those who are not smoking but are in the company of smokers are also harmed. They have to inhale the smoke emitted out by their friends in company. It is, therefore, that smoking has been banned in cinema halls or in conference halls. In foreign countries outside India, there are smoking chambers attached to big offices those who cannot do without smoking have to go to those chambers to have a smoke-smoking in the office room is not permitted.

Those who do not smoke find the smoke of a cigarette, intolerable their head begins to ache if someone is puffing out the smoke around them.

This is, thus, a great menace to health and the upcoming, growing youngmen must understand the risks involved. They can, well in time, learn the lesson and let them not allow themselves to fall a prey to this ‘disease’ it is really a ‘disease’ which once it catches can aggravate into any proportion.

Life is a gift given by God, let us live it well, let us live it healthily and health is happiness. Grimmer still is another still greater a menace than smoking a cigarette. It is the addiction to drugs which is fast catching up with the young. Everyday there are reports in the newspapers how the racket of drugtraffickers are caught. One or two kgs. of heroin goes into crores of rupees in money value. It is a bye-product. of opium and Afghanistan used to be a big opium growing country. There are international gangs operating in drugtrafficing as it gives ready and big money.

The addiction to drugs is also a growing menace. One who gets addicted to it cannot do without it; gets badly upset if he does not get his dose and do anything to have the kicking dose. People addicted to drugs have been found to be selling out everything to fulfil their urge without their dose they lie listless and lost. Morphine is still another drug which the addicts inject in their veins. There are outlets where such drugs are available by the backdoor.

The addicts know their supplier. Even the cold drink parlours or the betel-shops in the dark alleys are dealing in these drugs. Once got into the habit and the addiction, no inhibitions, no restraints can stop the addict. Youngmen easily fall a prey to such menaces, knowing not that they are risking their health and running their lives. Hostels of educational institutions get to become centres of this menace. Youngmen and even young women neglected or not properly looked after by parents are easy targets of this disease. They suffer a neglect at home, so they seek company outside and the drug dealers are ready to catch them quick. Once caught, they become a part of the racket. They lose the joy of life in seeking this false ‘Kick’ lose money, lose health — pilfer money from home or seek it by unlawful means. They must have their ‘dose’ at any cost.
This is how smoking and drugs beware of it that is the warning to the young – if they want to achieve anything in life. Without achievement life is hardly worth living this the young must known.

Essay On Smoking and Drugs - A Menace to Life


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