Essay On A City By Night

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On A City By Night

A city is never dark. As soon as the sun sets, the street lights come on. Every street is well lit. It is delightful to watch the multi-coloured street lights twinkling from a distance. Private buildings and houses are also well lighted. Cinema houses and places of entertainment have dazzling lights.

Village people go to sleep early, but city people always sleep late. They go out every evening to entertain themselves. You see many cars on the roads carrying people to cinemas, charming restaurants and night clubs. City people, at least the rich ones, return home in the small hours of the morning mostly on weekends.

When it is dark, there is less traffic than during the day. So there is less noise. After 8 p. m. offices and shops are all closed. Only cinema houses and restaurants remain open till late at night.

Homeless people spread out their beddings and sleep on the footpath. They sleep in the open air. They are too poor to have a roof over their head.

A city at night can also be dangerous. Sometimes a passerby might be attacked and robbed by lawless men or goondas. Even murders take place in a city at night at times. To prevent thefts or robbery most buildings and business houses maintain night watchmen. These watchmen are seen parading up and down and around various buildings. They keep watch throughout the night.

A city at night, therefore, can be dazzling, peaceful and at times even a risky place.

Essay On A City By Night
Essay On A City By Night

Essay On A City By Night


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