Essay On A Prize Distribution Day at Our School

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Set 1: Essay On A Prize Distribution Day at Our School

Every school holds a prize distribution ceremony once a year. Our school also held this ceremony. The mayor was invited to be our Chief Guest. He was welcomed by the Principal of our school and the school head-boy. He took his seat on the stage.

The Principal rose and introduced the Chief Guest to us. He was a prominent man who had done much social service. Then the Principal read a report of the school activities and the progress the school had made during the year.

The Chief Guest then distributed the prizes to the different prize winners. There was much applause as each children stepped forward to receive his or her prize. I was among the lucky prize winners. My parents who were present were very proud of me. The photographer was busy clicking the photographs.

The Chief Guest made a short speech. He congratulated the prize-winners. He said that more pupils should try to work hard and win prizes. He praised the school for its high standard of efficiency and progress. The ceremony ended with a vote of thanks to the Chief Guest by our senior most teacher.

I was very proud and happy to have my parents to share in my happiness. Prizes encourage children to do well in the hope of getting a reward for their work.

Essay On A Prize Distribution Day at Our School
Essay On A Prize Distribution Day at Our School

Set 2: Essay On Prize Distribution Day

One of the most important dates in the history Daybasi gmiA of a school is Prize Distribution Day.

The school’s Annual Prize Day was held on 27th April, last year. The chief guest for the function was Mr Aditya Bose, IAS, Special Secretary, School Education, Government of West

For this occasion, the whole school was given a fresh coat of paint. On the day itself the entrance to the hall was lined with flower pots, the hall inside was decorated with buntings and the walls with pictures and charts. The stage too was decorated with the school banner and the four House Banners. There was a table on which the prizes were neatly arranged.

The Chief Guest arrived punctually at 4.00 p.m. He was given a Guard of Honour by the Boy Scouts of our school. The principal then introduced him to the staff members. Mr. Bose was led to the stage. Our school orchestra played brilliant western classical music, which everyone enjoyed. The principal read the annual school report about the progress, examination results, extra-curricular activities with special mention of ‘young achievers’.

The chief guest was then invited to give away the prizes. I was happy to shake hands with the chief guest, as I was also a prize-winner.

In his short speech, Mr. Bose praised the school for its all-round progress and also the prizewinners. There were loud cheers at the end of the function.

Set 3: Essay On Prize Distribution Day In My School

It was a memorable day for me. Our school asked us to dress in fine clothes and come for the Annual Day of our school. It was to be held in two days’ time. I was overjoyed to attend the function, as I had to receive quite a few prizes.

My parents bought me new dress for the special day. I took my parents with me because all the parents were invited to attend the function. The function was suppose to start at 5 p.m. We were asked to be present for the function at least half an hour before the start. However, the Annual Day was arranged in our school’s assembly hall. My parents and I reached before time and took our seats.

The hall was decorated and it looked beautiful. A big table was placed on the stage. A decorative flower vase at the centre of the table added more beauty to the table. Mrs Roxana, who was the Principle of a nearby school, was invited as the chief guest to grace the occasion. Our Principal, Mr Vasudev, accompanied her to the stage. We all stood up and gave a big round of applause to welcome them.

The Superintendent of our school Mrs Gaikwad started her welcome speech. She briefly outlined the progress of the school and academic achievements of the students. She mentioned that each year some or the other student came first in any of the subject from the entire State. Later, chief guest Mrs Roxana in her speech praised the students for their outstanding achievements. She even pointed that the efforts of the teachers cannot be left unpraised.

One of our senior teachers Mr Sukhdev read out the names of the winners who had to receive the prizes for their different accomplishments. After a few names, my name was announced. First, I got a prize for the most disciplined boy of the school. I was awarded a set of classical Hindi story books and a set of English essay books. My name was called for four times, as I had stood first in four of my favourite subjects – English, Science, History and Hindi. I felt proud and enthusiastic while receiving each prize. Nearly 120 students were presented with different prizes. My parents were very happy to see me receiving so many prizes.

This day had turned out to be a memorable Annual Day of my school life. Many of my friends and teachers congratulated me. Soon after I received the prizes, I realized how my father daily sat with me and coached me. It was his efforts at home that cleared many of my doubts and helped me to understand different things in different subjects. I realized that hard work always pays.


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