Essay On Duties of Students in India

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Essay On Duties of Students in India

Students of today are the future hope of the country. They are the citizens of tomorrow. They are the reserve forces of Mother India, hence they are taught on the right lines. It will be a curse to ignore them.

The first duty of every citizen living in the country is to save its honour. Students are no exception to it. If the country is doomed, who will be happy? Honour of the country cannot be saved only by talking and wasting time in unfruitful criticism. For the sake of our country, every one of us has to work hard. We have to be prepared for every kind of sacrifice. This is not possible, unless we are strong. Hence it is necessary for us to be strong and healthy.

A weak man can do nothing. He is a curse to the world. He is an undesired element everywhere. He cannot help any body. All of his precious time is wasted in fear, illness and hospital. So he is unable to do anything for the good of his country or to himself. Bearing these facts in mind, a student must do all that he can to keep himself healthy. For this, he must regularly attend the games and should take part in the extra curricular activities of his school or college. Besides this he must inculcate the habit of taking long morning walks in the open air. If he follows this advice, I am sure he will be healthy.

Secondly, he should devote all his attention towards his studies. It is for the studies for which his parents have sent him to the school. If he does not take interest in his studies, he is not faithful to his parents. Without a good education he does not fare well in his later life. He will find himself undesired in every field of life. So he must listen to his teachers attentively in the class-room and must complete his home work daily. If he does these things, he will have an interest in his studies and will be able to score marks in the examination, easily.

The advantages of regular life is that he will have no time to waste in idle talk. So he will be automatically disciplined, as an idle man’s mind is a devil’s workshop. If students are healthy, regular, painstaking and sincere in their studies, the teachers and principals will not have problems to face like indiscipline, strikes groupism etc. The colleges and schools will function like harmonious and integrated units.

In my opinion, student life is nothing but the preparation for the future life. So he must join willingly N.C.C., P.E.C. and other forms of military training. Considering the Chinese and Pakistani aggression on our sacred land, all of us have to be prepared for preserving the honour of the country. Who stands if India falls? It is not China alone against whose aggression all of us have to stand, fight and die. It is against every imperialist and expansionist nation that we have to be ready and we cannot do it unless we are healthy and disciplined.

Essay On Duties of Students in India


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