Essay On Eid

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Essay On Eid
Essay On Eid

Set 1: Essay On Eid

India is perhaps the only nation where people of different castes and religions stay together in harmony. Eid is the festival of Muslims. It is celebrated twice a year. One is known as Ramzan Eid and another is known as Bakari Eid. Ramzan Eid is celebrated in the memory of Prophet Mohammad Paigembar, Founder of the Muslim religion. He was born in Mecca in 570 B.C. The holy book of Muslims is called as ‘Quran’. It explains the teachings of the

Prophet. Muslims fast during the month of Ramzan. This is known as Roza Iftar. Muslims spend these thirty days in devotion. They perform Namaz five times a day. Some also go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The last day of Ramzan is called Ramzan Eid. The Muslims go to mosques or Idgahs to offer prayers. After prayers, they wish good luck to each other by saying, Eid Mubarak. The stalls in the fairs outside the mosques are full of sweets, toys, and other entertainment. People visit their friends and relatives. They greet each other with love and affection. Our Prime Minister and the President also convey their best wishes to the entire Muslim community.

Bakari Eid is celebrated in memory of Hazrat Ismail’s sacrifice. It falls in the last month of the Islamic calendar. This day is also celebrated by offering prayers followed by sacrificing a goat. The meat is distributed among friends and relatives. A very important aspect of Eid is charity. Both these days are the occasions of rejoicing, happiness, and vigor. Muslims begin their new business or important work on this holy day. The festival tells us to follow the guidelines of the Prophet.

Essay On Eid

Set 2: Essay On Eid

an Eid is the most important festival of the Muslims. All over the world, the Muslims celebrate it with great pomp, show, enthusiasm and enjoyment. The Muslims observe fasts for a full month after sighting the moon of ‘Ramzan’. Ramzan is regarded as highly auspicious month. When the month of Ramzan’ is over and the moon of Eid is sighted, they end their fasts. These fasts are known as, Roja’. The next day, the festival of Eid is celebrated. However, every year Eid comes on the first day of the month of Shawwal.

It is a day of cheerfulness, celebration and feasting Muslims strongly believes that fasting in the month of ‘Ramzan’ purifies their souls. Prayers after fasting save them from going to hell, after death. According to them fasting opens the doors of heaven. During the month of Ramzan’, they lead a pure and holy life.

They observe fasts and offer regular prayers. Ceremonial prayers and feasts are part of the festival, On the day of Eid, Muslims get up early in the morning. They take a bath and put on their best dresses. They visit mosques and offer prayers in the form of ‘Namaz’. They embrace one another and exchange Eid greetings. ‘Eid Mubarak’ is on the lips of every Muslim. Women prepare delicious sweetmeats at home. Vermicelli kheer is a popular sweat dish prepared in almost every Muslim house. Sweets are distributed and gifts are given to each other. Friends and relatives are invited to feasts. At some places, Eid fairs are also held where people celebrate the festival together.

In India, all Muslim communities celebrates Eid. Joys are doubled on Eid. The Hindus, Sikhs and Christians greet their Muslim brothers on this day. Thus, celebration of Eid promotes national integration and the feeling of goodwill and kindness. Eid also brings a message of unity, peace, friendship and understanding among all of us.

As Eid is a festival of love, it gives us a message of affection to all and hate none. It teaches us to embrace all men as brothers, irrespective of different social status. Separated loved ones hope to meet on this auspicious day. Eid urges us to say goodbye to hatred, jealousy and enmity and bring in a time of love, understanding, loyalty and companionship.

Set 3: Essay On Eid

Eid is a Muslim term which means festival. Muslims throughout the world celebrate three Eids during a year.

Ramzan is a month of fasting. It is a very strick fast which does not allow even a sip of water during the day. The fast is broken daily after sunset. After the month long fasting, on the day after the new moon, Ramzan Eid is celebrated. This festival is formally termed as Eid-ul-Fitr.

Bakri Eid is celebrated in the memory of Hazrat Ismail’s sacrifice. This festival falls about two months and nine days after Eid-ul-Fitr. It is for this festival that Muslims who can afford, go on pilgrimage to Mecca. This pilgrimage is known as Haj. Mutton biriani is the main dish eaten on this day. This festival is formally known as Eid-ul-zuha.

The third Eid that is celebrated with great enthusiasm is Eid-i-milad. This day commemorates Mohammed.

the birthday of the Holy Prophet Each Eid day starts with morning prayer of the mosques and Eidgahs. People wear new clothes. After the prayers they greet each other affectionately with ‘Eid Mubarak. They eat Kheer, biriani, sewai, sheer khorma. They offer the same delicacies to guest who visit their homes on Eid days .


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